Technical Dive: Openfort's Architecture

Jaume Alavedra

Openfort's Architecture

There's no one right way to build with Openfort. Whether you want high-touch, high control, or more of a set-it-and-forget it approach, our SDKs and API have what you need. This post is rather short but sharing the architecture representation of what we've built.

Simplified Overview of Openfort

Openfort provides SDKs and APIs for the most popular smart wallet features, including transaction relay and gas sponsoring, transaction batching, session keys, social recovery, and more.

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Frontend Headless SDK

A “bring-your-own-UI” that comes with extensive auth flexibility. FrontendHeadlessSDK.excalidraw.svg

Backend API & SDKs

For maximum flexibility, our backend API lets you tailor the flow to your exact needs. BackedAPISDK.excalidraw.svg

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