Build yourdreamwallet
The single toolkit to ship your wallet SDK in less than 15 minutes. Seamlessly integrate with any blockchain, any device, any authentication method.

What would you do with better wallets?
Over 10 million transactions created by 50+ customers.
View our customer stories →
Estimated setup time: 30 Minutes
SDKs for any platform and device

Instant APIs that do the hard work for you
Works with your favorite libraries
Wagmi, Viem, Ethers, RainbowKit, and more
Explore about /docs/guides/javascript/smart-wallet/librariesExploreGenerate non-custodial signers
Onboard users with a single line of code
Explore about /docs/guides/javascript/embedded-signer/recoveryExploreAccount abstraction enabled
Gasless transactions, account recovery, and more
Explore about /docs/guides/javascript/smart-wallet/sendExploreReady to scale
Openfort handles scale so you can focus on your app
Explore about /docs/guides/javascript/walletsExplore
Unify experiences across apps
Create your Global Wallet (TM) allowing your users to interact with multiple applications and games within your ecosystem. The ecosystem SDK is compatible with RainbowKit, ConnectKit and more.
Highest reliability and performance
Hundreds of businesses are building with crypto rails on Openfort. Your team can deploy blockchain features in a day and scale to millions of users, without the need to be blockchain experts.
Automatic scale
We index and monitor the reliability of RPCs and bundlers to offer you the fastest option at every request.
Webhooks and Events
Get server-side notifications to monitor your wallets and onchain actions. You can decide the frequence and block range.
Automatic contract ABI
Easily interact with smart contract with an API call. You can decide to interact with the Openfort backend or use popular libraries like ethers.js or Viem.

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