
Embedded Signer

Password-based recovery

Password-based recovery gives the user ability to encrypt recovery share of the wallet

Password-based recovery#

Require that users set a password when the wallet is created, enforcing password-based recovery from the start

If encrypted by user-provided entropy, only the user can decrypt the recovery share. Openfort never sees or the user's password.

Using Openfort Auth#

async function authSetAutomaticRecoveryMethod(email:string, password:string, recoveryPassword:string) {
const response = await openfort.signUpWithEmailPassword({email, password});
const chainId = 80002;
const shieldAuth: ShieldAuthentication = {
auth: ShieldAuthType.OPENFORT,
token: response.token
await openfort.configureEmbeddedSigner(chainId, shieldAuth, recoveryPassword);

Using Third-party Auth#

This example will showcase Firebase as the third-party auth provider. You can replace it with any other third-party auth provider supported by Openfort or with Custom Auth.

async function authAndSetPassordRecoveryMethod(idToken: string, password: string) {
await openfort.authenticateWithThirdPartyProvider("firebase", idToken, TokenType.idToken);
const chainId = 80002;
const shieldAuth: ShieldAuthentication = {
auth: ShieldAuthType.OPENFORT,
token: idToken,
authProvider: "firebase",
tokenType: "idToken",
await openfort.configureEmbeddedSigner(chainId, shieldAuth, password);
