Management API Reference


Telegram Login

Learn how to interact with Telegram Login

Openfort enables developers to quickly integrate Login with Telegram into their applications.


With the Openfort Telegram integration, users can log in with Telegram and link Telegram accounts.

From a web environment, Openfort enables Telegram login via the Telegram Login widget. Openfort also enables seamless Telegram login directly from within a Telegram bot or within Telegram Mini-Apps!


Once you have access, follow [this guide](} to create a telegram bot. After creating a Telegram bot, you must set your domain using the /setdomain command in the @BotFather chat. You will need to provide the following to Openfort via the Openfort Dashboard upon completion:

  • Bot token
  • Bot name
Epic Auth

Telegram login requires developers to create a Telegram bot with a bot secret. This bot secret controls the Telegram bot and is also used as a symmetric key for authentication. Control over this key enables a developer to sign over authentication data, meaning compromise of this key puts your users (and their accounts) at risk.

Securing this symmetric key is essential for the security of all of your app’s Telegram logins.