
Using the Cloud

Learn and use Openfort Cloud to make transactions onchain.

Interacting with connected accounts#

To request signatures or initiate transactions from a connected account, you have several options:

  • Direct JSON-RPC Communication: Utilize the wallet's EIP-1193 provider interface to send requests directly to the account.
  • Library Integration: Incorporate a popular libraries like ethers or wagmi to handle account interactions.
  • Native Methods: For accounts with built-in functionality, use Openfort's methods to customize signature and transaction prompts for an enhanced user experience.

Openfort's default solution, Cloud, is a built-in transaction and monitoring system designed with scaling and optimization in mind. We ensure that any valid transaction will end up in a block regardless of reorgs, dropped transactions, nonce, or gas spikes.

TransactionYes (RPC/Libraries)Yes (Cloud)
SignatureYesYes (Session Keys)


If you want to execute the transaction fromthe client side, refer to integrations to learn how to interact with JSON-RPC or wallet libraries.