
Openfort Ecosystems

Unify and manage your ecosystem across multiple projects.

Build a strong gaming ecosystem by enabling OAuthor standard single sign-on (SSO) authorization flow across multiple games onboarded. enhancing the gaming experience through interoperability, streamlined player experiences, and innovative asset ownership models.

Use cases#

Operating across multiple Openfort accounts is common practice for many projects. Consider the following scenarios:

Gaming BlockchainCreate separate Openfort accounts for each project onboarded to take care of your blockchain offering.
Gaming WalletCreate separate Openfort accounts for each independent project looking to use your wallet branding.
Gaming IDCentrally manage wallets, represented in the different games you control under a brand.

Choose your Ecosystem type#

When using ecosystem you must onboard each independent project that signs up to use your authentication solution.

Integration effortLowestSignificantly higher
Integration methodAPI or OAuthAPI
OnboardingOpenfortPlatform or Openfort
User can access the Dashboard?Yes, full DashboardNo
User support provided byPlatform and OpenfortPlatform
Automatic updates for new compliance requirementsYesNo
Ideal for platformsWith experienced online businesses as usersWith significant engineering resources to dedicate to a fully white-labeled experience


You can use Ecosystems to:

  • Gain a holistic view of your entire ecosystem includind any game you onboarded.
  • Manage ecosystem parameters like ecosystem assets, gas policies or player database in one single platform.


Building an ecosystem streamlines operations and account management with a centralized view in the Openfort Dashboard to manage all lines of business or subsidiaries across multiple Openfort accounts.

Coming soon

Ecosystem fundamentals#