Management API Reference


User Management

Manage your users with Openfort Auth

The user object#

Use the Auth Players page of the dashboard to manage all of your app's users and their linked accounts.

Every authenticated user with Openfort Auth results in a JSON that combines the user's information with the Openfort player id:

"id": "pla_ff54b031-a878-4ca2-9cf5-ae190f921e9b",
"object": "player",
"createdAt": 1691658234,
"linkedAccounts": [
"provider": "email",
"email": "",
"disabled": false,
"updatedAt": 1691658234

After a player has authenticated, an Openfort player id is created for them and is accessible through your Openfort Dashboard.

authenticated players

Deleting users#

From the user drawer, you can delete a user if necessary. This is an irreversible and destructive action although the associated player will not be deleted; if the user logs into your app again, they will have a new player id, will have to relink any formerly linked accounts, and will get a new embedded signer address. Please take extreme care when deleting users.